“A Woman Destroyed” (2024)

“A Woman Destroyed” is an installation that examines the complexities of female sexuality, innocence, and the prejudices surrounding women’s sexual expression. The work transforms a collection of found objects into a haunting yet familiar scene resembling a living room. At its center is a framed image of the Madonna, defaced with the word “whore” scrawled across it—an arresting visual reference to Sigmund Freud’s Madonna-Whore Complex and Simone de Beauvoir’s writings on women’s oppression and identity. The walls of the space are covered in pink, a color often loaded with associations of femininity and girlhood, while the floor is strewn with girlhood toys, female sanitary products, forms of contraception, and tobacco. The seat in the room remains empty, and the drawers of furniture are left ajar, suggesting absence, exposure, and vulnerability.

Bijuca uses this unsettling yet intimate space to critique societal constructs that divide women into rigid archetypes of purity and promiscuity. By juxtaposing objects of innocence and adulthood, the installation confronts viewers with the contradictions and constraints imposed on women’s sexual identities. Through “A Woman Destroyed”, Bijuca invites reflection on how these cultural prejudices continue to shape and limit perceptions of women, sparking a dialogue about liberation and the complexities of female experience.

esbalnk Exhibition

Bijuca Balde, recently completed an enriching three-week residency at Mallorca’s Esblank Residency. The residency was in collaboration with the African Art Hub, known for its commitment to fostering cross-cultural artistic dialogues. during this Residency she worked alongside Ghanaian artist Samuel Baah, creating a dynamic exchange of ideas and inspiration.

During her time at the residency, Bijuca focused on creating her installation piece, titled "Woman Destroyed". The work, which serves as a poignant exploration of resilience, loss, and transformation, delves into themes of identity and the complex intersections of womanhood. Drawing inspiration from literary and sociopolitical contexts, the installation combines visual storytelling with evocative materiality, showcasing Bijuca's innovative approach to contemporary art.

The culmination of the residency featured a highly anticipated exhibition, bringing together Mallorca's vibrant art community to celebrate the works of both Bijuca Balde and Samuel Baah. The showcase offered attendees an intimate glimpse into the artistic processes and cultural narratives shaped during their residency. For Bijuca, this exhibition not only highlighted her powerful voice as an artist but also fostered meaningful connections with the local art scene, solidifying the impact of her time at Esblank.